Believing that every child is a precious gift from God, our nursery is committed to earning the confidence of every parent who entrusts their children to our care. Our dedicated and loving volunteers strive to share the love of Christ by providing a safe and welcoming environment for every child. Our nursery is available at every service, and we encourage parents to utilize our nursery so that they might enjoy each service at Cornerstone Baptist Church.

Sunday School
Each Sunday morning, Cornerstone Baptist has a specific time set aside for our children to learn and practically apply God's Word. For children up through grade 6, our dedicated teachers present the truths of God's Word in a way appropriate for the age of each group. Sunday school will be held on Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 10:45.

Truth Trackers
Truth Trackers is a children's Bible program that meets every Sunday from 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. from September through May. It is for ages 4 years old through 6th Grade. Children participate in Bible memory, craft projects, and games all centered around teaching them the doctrines of God's Word with practical application. Your children will enjoy this high energy event each week. If you would like more information please email Jessica at