Pastor Javier Caballero married Marisha in 1995. Both served in the United States Air Force. They now have eight children, three young men, and five young ladies. Marisha and Javier were both saved in the summer of 2000 through the ministry of Liberty Hills Baptist Church in Liberty MO. Pastor Javier served as one of the first deacons in that church and was called to the ministry in 2004. He began his preparation for ministry at Bob Jones University in 2005 and completed a B.A. in 2008. He completed graduate studies finishing an M.A. in 2011. Pastor Javier was ordained to the ministry of the gospel at Cornerstone Baptist Church in Greenville, SC. He accepted the call to serve as the Pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Yuba City, CA in 2013. He served at Grace Baptist until the Spring of 2022. Pastor Javier is serving at Cornerstone Baptist Church today. His greatest desire is to make God known and to serve God’s people through the ministry of the word.
I hope that you come and get to know the family of families we call Cornerstone Baptist Church. It is my sincere desire that people come to a personal knowledge of Christ as their Savior and learn to live to honor him. I believe we do this as we humble ourselves before God and live striving for unity in the bonds of love. May the Lord bless and encourage you through the Scriptures and by the power of His Holy Spirit.